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Exercise #1 Internet Research
(The image search as the centre of conversation) (2.5 points)
Due: by end of class Thursday, Jan 7 on your HOTGLUE page

Along with your assigned breakout group, trace, analyze, and have a conversation about the provided jpgs in the folder assigned to your breakout group. Do reverse image searches, follow links as you come to them and document via screen grabs how you moved through the internet following the image along. You must document your journey (include at least 5 screenshots or images, along with accompanying explanation as needed). See if you can find threads across the images you’re investigating and present your mapping of the resulting history and context on your individual HOTGLUE page (ie: each member of your breakout group will translate and present your group conversation individually on your own page. That is, you should have multiple different mappings of the same images). Cite any text you include via web link (either as text or as a part of the image).
here's an example (that took me about 30 minutes):
The Museum was created in 1882 following the bequest, patronage and will and testament of a local business broker, Francesc Martorell Peña (1822–1878), who left on this purpose to the city of Barcelona his personal archaeological and natural history collections.
Most spiders are indeed lone wolves, but a scant handful have evolved a level of sociality to rival ant colonies, bee hives, or even primate societies.

Communal spiders work together to build, maintain, and clean their webs. They cooperate in capturing prey, and dine together when they snare a large feast.
<-- new tangent
Daylighting is the practice of placing windows, skylights, other openings, and reflective surfaces so that sunlight can provide effective internal lighting.